
cottage cheese 〔美國〕用酸牛奶做的軟干酪。

cottage hospital

You don ' t need to eat a full - on meal … just some fruit , some crackers , maybe some low - fat dairy ( cheese or yogurt or cottage cheese ? although i prefer soy yogurt ) , oatmeal , some nuts , dried fruit , etc 你不必非去吃一餐飯? ?只吃點水果、零食,或者低脂的乳酪(干酪、酸奶酪或者軟白干酪都行? ?我喜歡吃大豆酸奶酪) 、燕麥粥、堅果或者果脯什么的。

The remaining 5 percent of the ingredients are non - organic or synthetic , and include baking powder , pectin to make yogurt thicker , or carbon dioxide to keep products , like cottage cheese , fresher longer 其余5 %的成分為無機物質或人工合成物,包括用來制作高濃度酸奶酪的發酵粉,膠質,或可使像松軟干酪一類產品保持持久新鮮的二氧化碳。

Help me mix a quarter cup of mashed strawberries with half a cup of cottage cheese and a teaspoon of sugar 幫我把1 / 4杯搗碎的草莓、半杯家鄉口味的奶酪和一茶匙糖混合一下。

Milk producers and distributors including dairy products ; milk , juices , cottage cheese , sour cream and yogurt -乳品加工企業,產品包括鮮牛奶酸牛奶乳飲料等三大系列。

Dairy company whose products include yogurt , cottage cheese , dips , sour cream and salsa -綜合性乳品企業,產品有純奶酸奶和風味三大系列。

In june i dig out my shorts to discover my thighs resemble cottage cheese 在六月份我就翻出了短褲,結果卻發現我的大腿就像白軟干酪似的。

In june i dig out my shorts to discover my thighs resemble cottage cheese 6月里,我翻箱倒柜找出短褲,卻發現自己的大腿像農家干酪一樣。

The service they provided and occasionally you could order cottage cheese and eggs and . . 偶爾還可以買芝士和雞蛋,還記得嗎?